About Gaining Ground Coaching

One speed…and that’s GO!

Before the idea of Gaining Ground Coaching came about, I started and grew a brick and mortar business into six figures that expanded to two locations and knocking on the door of a million dollars in sales in just over 5 years. 

Sounds great right? Unfortunately, it wasn’t that easy.

See, I’m not your typical millionaire business owner. I taught Physical Education and coached high school baseball for almost twenty years. I worked summers at a golf course carrying golf bags as a caddy for some of the richest and most notable people in this country. Point is, I didn’t go to business school, no one in my family was an entrepreneur, and I sure as hell didn’t have a GPS to get me where I am today. 

Building a business was no joke. In the beginning I pushed myself, my wife, and two daughters to the limits trying to “figure it out”. I tried selling my family, friends, and looking back now, myself, on the vision of our future business-owner life and all that it would be, however every waking moment was spent on keeping our heads above water. Trying to learn about tax laws, SEO, Profit & Loss, website funnel, payroll, etc. Whatever it was, it was on my list of things to learn and apply as quick as possible. I had zero clue on what to do and when to do it. 

I was stressed, I was fatigued, and all I wanted was to be back in my comfort zone of the gym or on the baseball field.

However, I’m a pretty relentless person and I was obsessed on not failing. As a baseball coach I would go to clinics, conventions, read books, watch videos, collaborate with other baseball coaches on how to be a better coach and improve my program. I decided to implement the same tactics with my business. I began investing in my business-self instead of just throwing ideas against the wall and seeing what stuck. I started by finding a mentor, my own personal coach. Someone that had been through the same fire as I was in. What he taught me, flipped me around immediately and put me on a path of growth. From their I joined group business programs and began reading every entrepreneur book, watching YouTube videos, and listening to hours of podcasts that taught me how the business sharks were doing it.

I learned to work smarter, not harder. Work on the business and not in the business. Now I own brick and mortar businesses, online businesses, and have employees that keep the machine running seven days a week.

Five years ago, I would have never thought this is where I would be. But in five years from now, I know exactly where I’m going to be because I have a plan, a system, and strategies that will keep me gaining ground on who I want to be and what I want to create.  

If you’re looking to start, build, and grow your business, whether brick and mortar or online, then your next investment should be with Gaining Ground Coaching. 

Ryan Wolfsheimer, GGC Founder


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The conversation will be a discovery call to find out how I can help you get your vision off the ground!